11 Peristiwa dalam Sejarah Islam yang Terjadi di Bulan Ramadan

11 Events in the History of Islam that occurred in the month of Ramadan

Bulan Ramadhan tidak sebatas sebagai bulan suci bagi umat Muslim. Dalam sejarah Islam, sejumlah peristiwa besar yang sangat menentukan dan bermakna bagi umat Muslim terjadi di bulan ini. Sedikitnya, ada 11 peristiwa penting yang terjadi dalam sejarah Islam, baik klasik ataupun modern. Apa sajakah peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut?

Berikut 11 Peristiwa Bersejarah Islam di Bulan Ramadhan.

1. Pembebasan Makkah (Fathul Makkah)

Apa itu Fathul Makkah? Peristiwa Fathul Makkah adalah sebuah peristiwa di mana akhirnya Nabi Muhammad dan para sahabat berhasil menguasai Makkah dan menghancurkan berhala-berhala di sekitarnya. Sehingga Ka'bah kembali suci. Peristiwa ini bermula dari perjanjian Hudaibiyah tahun 628 M. Ini adalah perjanjian antara kaum muslimin dan kaum Quraisy. Perjanjian ini terjadi ketika satu rombongan yang dipimpin langsung oleh Nabi Muhammad hendak melaksanakan haji di Baitullah. Namun, pihak Quraisy melihatnya sebagai sebuah ancaman. Jika orang-orang dari Madinah, yang notabene adalah rival dari kafir Quraisy datang ke Makkah, maka apa tanggapan orang-orang nanti? Untuk itulah, pemuka-pemuka Quraisy dengan segala daya upaya menyusun sebuah strategi, yaitu mengikat kaum muslimin dalam suatu perjanjian agar tidak dapat leluasa mengunjungi Makkah. Dan terjadilah perjanjian Hudaibiyah. Ketakutan kaum kafir Quraisy ini wajar muncul, sebab setelah Nabi saw dan beberapa ratus sahabat hijrah dari Makkah menuju Yatsrib (Madinah), antara kaum Muslimin dan kaum Quraisy hampir selalu terjadi peperangan yang tak terelakkan. Dalam pengepungan selama 20 hari oleh 10 ribu pasukan Quraisy terhadap Madinah pada tahun 627 M, Nabi Muhammad saw dan 3.000 umat Islam berhasil mempertahankan Madinah.

Isi perjanjian Hudaibiyah antara lain:
Pertama, gencatan senjata selama sepuluh tahun
Kedua, orang Islam dibenarkan memasuki Makkah pada tahun berikutnya, tinggal di sana selama tiga hari saja dengan hanya membawa sebilah senjata.
Ketiga, bekerja sama dalam perkara yang membawa kepada kebaikan.
Keempat, orang Quraisy yang lari ke pihak Islam harus dikembalikan ke Makkah.
Kelima, orang Islam yang lari ke Makkah tidak dikembalikan ke Madinah,
keenam, kedua belah pihak boleh membangun kerja sama dengan kabilah lain tapi tidak boleh membantu dalam hal peperangan.

Akhirnya pada tahun 630 tepatnya pada tanggal 10 Ramadan 8 H, Nabi Muhammad beserta 10.000 pasukan bergerak dari Madinah menuju Makkah, dan kemudian menguasai Makkah secara keseluruhan tanpa pertumpahan darah sedikit pun, sekaligus menghancurkan berhala yang ditempatkan di dalam dan sekitar Ka'bah.

2. Bulan Diturunkan Alquran

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman dalam Alquran: “(Beberapa hari yang ditentukan itu ialah) Bulan Ramadan, bulan yang di dalamnya diturunkan (permulaan) Alquran sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang hak dan yang batil)..." (QS Al Baqarah: 185)

Imam Ibnu Katsir menjelaskan: “Allah SWT memuji Ramadan di antara bulan-bulan lainnya, karena Dia telah memilihnya di antara semua bulan sebagai bulan yang padanya diturunkan Al-quran yang agung". Sebagaimana Allah mengkhususkan Ramadan sebagai bulan diturunkannya Alquran, sesungguhnya telah disebutkan oleh hadits bahwa pada bulan Ramadhan pula kitab Allah lainnya diturunkan kepada para Nabi sebelum Nabi Muhammad saw.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal dalam Musnadnya meriwayatkan: "Lembaran-lembaran (shuhuf) Nabi Ibrahim diturunkan pada permulaan malam Ramadan dan kitab Taurat diturunkan pada tanggal enam Ramadan, dan kitab Injil diturunkan pada tanggal tiga belas Ramadan, sedang Alquran diturunkan pada tanggal dua puluh empat Ramadhan.” (HR. Ahmad dalam Musnad, dan dinyatakan hasan oleh Syaikh Al-Albani dalam As-Silsilah Ash-Shahihah, no. 1575)

3. Peristiwa Perang Badar

Pada hari Jumat 2 Ramadhan tahun ke-2 H terjadi perang pertama dalam Islam yang dikenal Perang Badar. Badar adalah nama tempat di sebuah lembah yang terletak di antara Madinah dan Makkah. Tentara Islam mengontrol lokasi strategis dengan menguasai sumber air yang ada di daerah tersebut.

Perang ini melibatkan tentara Islam sebanyak 313 anggota berhadapan dengan 1.000 tentara musyrikin Makkah yang lengkap bersenjata. Dalam perang ini, tentara Islam memenangkan pertempuran dengan 70 tentara musyrikin terbunuh, 70 lagi ditawan. Sisanya melarikan diri.

Perang ini adalah suatu yang luar biasa ketika tentara Islam yang kurang jumlah, lemah dari sudut kelengkapan dan berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadan memenangkan pertempuran Perang Badar. Ini membuktikan puasa bukan penyebab umat Islam bersikap lemah dan malas sebaliknya berusaha demi mencapai keridhaan Allah. Orang yang berjuang demi mencapai keridhaan Allah pasti mencapai kemenangan yang dijanjikan.

"Sungguh Allah telah menolong kamu dalam peperangan Badar, padahal kamu adalah (ketika itu) orang-orang yang lemah. Karena itu bertakwalah kepada Allah, supaya kamu mensyukuri-Nya" (QS Al-Imran:123)

4. Islam Masuk ke Yaman

Yaman terletak di selatan semenanjung tanah Arab. Nabi Muhammad mengutus Ali bin Abi Thalib dengan membawa surat beliau untuk penduduk Yaman khususnya suku Hamdan. Dalam periode satu hari, semua mereka memeluk agama Islam secara aman. Peristiwa bersejarah itu terjadi pada bulan Ramadan tahun ke-10 hijrah.

5. Khalid bin Walid Meruntuhkan Berhala Al ‘uzza

Setelah umat Islam membebaskan kota Makkah, Nabi Muhammad saw menyucikannya dengan memusnahkan 360 patung di sekeliling Ka'bah. Lima hari sebelum berakhirnya Ramadhan tahun ke-9 H, Rasulullah mengirim Khalid bin Walid untuk memusnahkan patung al 'Uzza di Nakhla. Menurut kepercayaan Arab jahiliyah, al 'Uzza adalah patung dewi terbesar di daerah tersebut. Khalid bin Walid melaksanakan tugas itu dengan bergerak menuju ke Nakhla lalu menghancurkan patung al 'Uzza. Setelah itu, penyembahan patung pun berakhir.

6. Penyerahan Kota Taif

Kota Taif pernah mencatat sejarah ketika penduduknya mengusir Nabi Muhammad saw saat berdakwah di sana. Setelah beliau dan umat Islam berhasil membebaskan Makkah, kaum Bani Thaqif bersikeras tidak mau tunduk kepada Nabi Muhammad.

Nabi muhammad dan tentara Islam lalu maju ke Taif dan mengepungnya dalam waktu lama. Akhirnya kaum Bani Thaqif datang ke Makkah di bulan Ramadan tahun ke-9 H dengan menyerahkan kota Taif sebagai tanda menyerah.

7. Pembebasan Andalusia (Spanyol)

Andalus adalah nama Arab yang diberikan kepada wilayah-wilayah bagian semenanjung Liberia yang diperintah oleh orang Islam selama beberapa waktu mulai tahun 711 sampai 1492 M. Pada 28 Ramadan tahun ke-92 H, panglima Islam bernama Tariq bin Ziyad dikirim pemerintahan Bani Umayyah untuk menawan Andalus.

Tariq memimpin armada Islam menyeberangi laut yang memisahkan Afrika dan Eropa. Setelah pasukan Islam mendarat, Tariq membakar kapal-kapal tentara Islam agar mereka tidak berpikir untuk mundur. Akhirnya pasukan Tariq berhasil menguasai Andalus dan menyelamatkan rakyat Andalus yang dizalimi. Islam bertapak di Andalus selama delapan abad.

8. Peperangan Zallaqah di Portugal

Peristiwa ini terjadi setelah subuh hari Jumat, bulan Ramadan tahun 459 H. Ketika itu, terjadi kebangkitan dinasti Murabit di Afrika Utara. Gubernur Cordova, Al Muktamin meminta bantuan Sultan Dinasti Murabit, Yusuf bin Tasyifin untuk memerangi Alfonso VI.

Tentara yang dipimpin oleh Alfonso VI yang berjumlah 80.000 tentara berhasil dikalahkan. Dalam waktu yang singkat Sultan Yusuf berhasil menguasai seluruh Spanyol dan menyelamatkan umat Islam. Setelah itu, Dinasti Murabit di Spanyol berdiri sejak 1090 sampai 1147 M.

9. Tentara Islam Mengalahkan Tentara Mongol

Pada tahun 126 sampai 1405 M, kaum Mongol melebarkan penaklukannya hampir semua benua Asia. Menurut sejarah, kekaisaran penaklukan mereka seluas 33 juta kilometer persegi. Jenderal tentara Mongol dikenal sebagai Genghis Khan. Dalam misi penaklukan itu, mereka membunuh lebih sejuta rakyat negara yang dikalahkan. Penaklukan mereka menjangkau sampai ke Moscow dan Kiev.

Pada tahun 1258, tentara pimpinan jenderal Hulagu Khan menyerbu kota Baghdad yang menjadi kemegahan Dinasti Abbasiah. Dalam serangan itu, banyak umat Islam terbunuh dan banyak buku karangan sarjana Islam dibuang ke dalam Sungai Eufrat dan Dajlah sehingga airnya menjadi hitam karena tinta. Pada 15 Ramadan 658 H bersamaan 1260 M, tentara Islam bangkit membuat serangan balas. Tentara Islam dan para ulama pimpinan Sultan Qutuz dari dinasti Mamluk, Mesir menyerbu ke Palestina setelah Mongol menguasainya. Kedua pihak bertemu di Ain jalut. Terjadilah Perang Ain Jalut.

Dalam pertempuran itu, tentara Islam meraih kemenangan dan berhasil menawan Kitbuqa Noyen, penasihat Hulagu Khan yang menasihatinya untuk menyerang Baghdad. Kitbuqa akhirnya dieksekusi. Kemenangan itu adalah suatu yang luar biasa saat Mongol yang terkenal dengan kekerasan akhirnya kalah pada tentara Islam.

10. Peperangan Yakhliz

Pada 15 Ramadan 1294 H, tentara Islam dari Dinasti Ottoman yang dipimpin oleh Ahmad Mukhtar Basya dengan jumlah 34.000 anggota mengalahkan tentara Rusia yang berjumlah 740.000. Sebanyak 10.000 tentara Rusia tewas dalam pertempuran itu. Ia menjadi kebanggaan umat Islam mempertahankan agama yang diancam oleh pemerintah Tzar di Rusia.

11. Direbutnya Garis Bar Lev, Israel

Dalam sejarah modern, terjadi Perang Yom Kippur yang melibatkan tentara Islam (Mesir dan Syria) dengan tentara Israel pada 10 Ramadan 1390 H bertepatan dengan 6 0ktober sampai 22 atau 24 Oktober 1973 M. Perang Yom Kippur, juga dikenal sebagai perang Arab-Israel 1973, Perang Oktober, dan Perang Ramadan.

Ia adalah bagian dari konflik Arab-Israel sejak dari tahun 1948. Pada bulan Juni 1967, terjadi perang enam hari antara Israel dengan Mesir, Syria dan Yordania. Dalam pertempuran itu, Israel berhasil menduduki bukit Golan, Syria, di utara dan semenanjung Sinai, Mesir, di selatan hingga ke kanal Suez. Setelah itu, Israel membangun barisan pertahanan di Sinai dan bukit Golan. Pada tahun 1971, Israel mengalokasikan USD 500 juta untuk membangun benteng dan kerja tanah raksasa yang dinamai Garis Bar Lev, mengambil nama jenderal Israel, Haim Ber Lev.

Tentara Islam berhasil merebut benteng itu sekaligus mengalahkan Israel. Antara peristiwa menarik dalam perang ini adalah peran seorang sarjana Islam merangkap sebagai Imam Masjid kota Suez, Syeikh Hafiz Salamah yang memimpin peperangan.
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Kata-kata Mutiara Penyejuk Hati (Obat Galau)

   Remaja sekarang memang Rentan dengan yang namanya Galau, kenapa saya bisa bilang kayang gini karena setiap hari di Facebook banyak yang mengucapkan Kata Galau atau memang saya salah tentang memaknai Update Status teman-teman saya atau hanya sebuah trend untuk Kata-kata galau, dan mungkin ini adalah Kata Mutiara yang bisa mengobati kegalauan saya sendiri.

Jangan tangisi mereka yg meninggalkanmu demi orang lain. Jika mereka cukup bodoh melepasmu, kamu harus cukup pintar melupakannya.
Setiap org punya masalah. Lbh baik mencari solusi masalahmu daripada membandingkan masalahmu dng org lain.
Kadang kamu bertemu seseorang yg sangat berarti dlm hidupmu hanya tuk menyadari pada akhirnya kamu harus melepaskannya.
Pikirkan apapun yang akan kamu ucapkan. Karena setiap ucapan yang keluar dari mulutmu, tak akan bisa kamu tarik kembali.
Cintai apapun yang ada didunia dengan sewajarnya. Karena apapun yang ada di dunia tak ada yang abadi.
Belajar memahami bahwa tak semua keinginan bisa terpenuhi, barangkali obat terbaik tuk mencegah kecewa dan sakit hati.
Jangan pernah menyepelekan apapun yang telah kamu miliki, karena mungkin yang kamu miliki itu sangat diinginkan oleh orang lain.
Selalu lakukan kebaikan dengan cara terbaik. Karena dengan cara itulah kedamaian akan tercipta.
Ikhlas menerima kesalahan, dan belajar dar setiap kesalahan, karena itu yang akan menjadikanmu kuat dalam menjalani kehidupan.
Lakukan apapun dengan tepat, bukan hanya cepat. Keberhasilan tak bisa dihalangi jika yang kamu lakukan telah tepat.
Hidup tak pernah lepas dari masalah, karena masalah adalah salah satu cara Tuhan menjadikanmu pribadi yg lebih kuat dan dewasa.
Tak ada kata terlambat tuk berubah. Masa lalu hanyalah pendewasaan dirimu. Hidupmu tak ditentukan oleh orang lain tapi kamu!
Ketika kamu jatuh, jangan tetap di bawah. Jatuh bukan berarti kalah, itu hanya berarti kamu harus bangkit dan kembali mencoba.
Jangan salahkan dirimu atas keputusan yg salah. Setiap orang membuatnya. Jadikan mereka pelajaran tuk keputusanmu selanjutnya.
Didalam banyak bicara pasti ada pelanggaran, tetapi siapa yg menahan bibirnya, berakal budi.
Menertawakan masalah org lain itu mudah. Menertawakan masalah diri sendiri? Hanya org hebat yg bisa.
Jika kamu membiarkan rasa takut tumbuh lebih besar dari imanmu, maka kamu menghalangi impianmu menjadi kenyataan.
Tak perlu iri pada orang lain. Lihat apa yg kamu miliki sekarang, pikirkan apa yg telah dilakukan tuk dapatkannya. Bersyukurlah.
Hanya karena orang lain berbuat tidak baik kepada kita, bukan berarti kita harus membalasnya dengan cara yang sama.
Membenci hanya merugikan dirimu sendiri, karena sebagian besar orang yg kamu benci tak akan peduli dengan kebencianmu.
Untuk setiap manusia di dunia ini, Tuhan telah memberikan sesuatu yang mulia dan baik ke dalam hatinya. Selalu jaga hatimu.
Jangan berhenti berharap tuk yg terbaik. Persiapkan diri tuk yg terburuk. Dan terima apapun yg Tuhan berikan.
Doaku hari ini: Tuhan, maafkan semua kesalahan yang telah ku lakukan. Berkahilah mereka yang selalu mengingatkanku.
Hidup ini terlalu berharga tuk habiskan waktumu memikirkan dia yg tak memperlakukanmu dengan baik, dan tak pernah menganggapmu ada.
Salah satu hal terbaik dalam hidup adalah melihat senyum di wajah orangtuamu, dan menyadari bahwa kamulah alasannya.
Ketika seseorang berusaha menjauhi hidupmu, biarkanlah. Kepergian dia hanya membuka pintu bagi seseorang yg lebih baik tuk masuk.
Jangan pernah meremehkan diri sendiri. Jika kamu tak bahagia dengan hidupmu, perbaiki apa yg salah, dan teruslah melangkah.
Jangan membenci mereka yg mengatakan hal buruk tuk menjatuhkanmu, karena merekalah yg buatmu semakin kuat setiap hari.
Terkadang, kamu berpikir seseorang telah berubah tanpa kamu menyadari hal itu terjadi karena dia mulai bersikap dewasa.

Mungkin Kata-kata Mutiara diatas bisa mengobati kegalauan anda sebagai mana bisa mengobati kegalauan saya dan jangan Lupa tetap selalu dekat kepada yang maha Kuasa.
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Pavlov's Theory

A Russian physiologist and researcher Ivan Pavlov discovered classical conditioning.  Classical conditioning is the type in which a neutral stimulus comes to bring about a response after it’s paired with a stimulus that naturally brings out that response.   Classical conditioning is a step-by-step process that starts with a neutral stimulus (NS), which is a stimulus that produces no response.  Then the neutral stimulus is combined with an unconditioned stimulus (UCS), which is a stimulus that naturally initiates a response thus resulting in an unconditioned response (UCR). Next a conditioned stimulus is created it (CS).  A conditioned stimulus is the end result of a neutral stimulus that was added to an unconditioned stimulus.  Finally this stimulus results in a conditioned response (CR), which is the learned response.  An example of the process of classical conditioning is if your ex-lover always wore a certain brand of cologne now every time you smell that scent you think of him/ or her and are overcome by a feeling of sadness.  The neutral stimulus is cologne.  The unconditioned stimulus is your ex-lover.  The unconditioned response is you associating your ex-lover to that fragrance. The conditioned stimulus is associating your ex-lover to that fragrance every time you smell it.  The conditioned response is a feeling of sadness every time you smell that aroma.
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Maslow’s theory

The lowest stage of Maslow’s stage of personality development is physiological which is the most basic. For example it deals with the needs of food, water, and sleep. The next step is safety, which is the security of health, property and employment. The third level is love, which has to do with family and friendship. The fourth level is esteem which focuses on confidence and acceptance. The last level is very similar and is called self-actualization, which deals with the acceptance of facts creativity and morality. Self-actualization is a strong desire of fulfillment and full realization of one’s potential and capabilities. In order to achieve self-actualization all basic needs are must be met. You come into the realization of what you’re capable of becoming.
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Kohlberg Theory

Lawrence Kohlberg created the stages of moral development. In this theory explains that moral reasoning has six developmental stages.  Kohlberg theory was further grouped into three levels with two stages each. The first level is called the pre-conventional. The first stage of this level is obedience and learning how to avoid punishment and the second is the self-interest where the individual is motivated by moral judgment that satisfies his/her own needs. The second level is called the conventional level. The first stage is the avoidance of disapproval or rejection of others. The second stage is more focused on a need not to be criticized by authority. The final level is called post-conventional. The first stage is motivated by the respect of social order and laws.  The second stage is motivated by an individual’s conscience. It is said that you cannot regress in stages nor can you skip stages because each stage provides new perspective.
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Piaget Theory


   Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is made up of four stages.  The first stage is from birth to two years of age and is called the sensorimotor stage.   The baby learns to coordinate seeing and hearing with movement.  The second one is six to seven years of age, which is named as the preoperational stage.   During this stage the child understands objects and images.  Next is the concrete operational stage, which starts at age eleven and ends at age twelve.   The child can develop proper logic.  The last stage is from age twelve to adulthood, which is called the formal operations stage.   When the individual is faced with a problem he/she is able to contemplate all possible answers which are called hypothetic-deductive reasoning.

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Carroll's Model of School Learning

John Carroll (1963, 1989) has synthesized much of the research on learning theory into his model of school learning. According to this model, there are five elements that contribute to the effectiveness of instruction:
1. Aptitude refers to the students' general abilities to learn. 2. Ability to understand instruction refers to the students' knowledge of prerequisite skills and information needed to understand a unit of instruction.
3. Perseverance refers to the amount of time students are willing to spend actively participating in the learning process.
4. Opportunity refers to the amount of time available for learning. It could include homework time as well as time in class.
5. Quality of instruction refers to the effectiveness with which the unit of instruction is actually delivered.
Carroll combined these elements into a model focusing on time as the key determinant in learning.
The five elements described above contribute to either time needed to learn or time spent in learning. Carroll stated that the degree of learning can be described as a ratio between (a) time needed to learn and (b) time actually spent on learning. For simplicity, the exact ways in which each element makes its contribution are not discussed in this textbook. In specific mathematical terms, this ratio can be stated as a formula:
Degree of learning = f(Time Spent/Time Needed)
Carroll's insights and formula provided the foundation for the theory of mastery learning, which has been further developed by theorists such as Bloom (1968, 1976) and Block & Anderson (1975).

Review Quiz 1 - Carroll's Model of School Learning
Match each of the descriptions below with the appropriate element in Carroll's model of school learning. Choose from the following list:
a. aptitude b. ability to understand instruction
c. perseverance
d. opportunity
e. quality of instruction
1.____ Jane is having trouble in math. This is largely because she never does her homework.
2 _____ Art is having trouble in math. His mother thinks that this is because the teacher never assigns homework.
3 _____ Maria is having trouble in math. The special education teacher says this is because Maria has a learning disability that interferes with learning math.
4 _____ Michael is having trouble in math. This is probably because he didn't pay much attention last year, and this year's instruction builds upon what was learned last year.
5 _____ Gene is having trouble in math. He does well on the homework, but the homework appears to be unrelated to what goes on in math class. If the homework were more closely related, Gene would probably do better.

Examine the following description of classroom activity and use the preceding list of elements in Carroll's model of school learning to answer questions that follow it:
Marta wants to learn to use the computer for word processing. She thinks she should be able to do this, because she has succeeded at comparable activities and she already knows how to type and how to use the computer for other purposes. She decides to learn from a computerized tutorial that enables her to learn to use the word processing program at the computer. She sets aside an hour a day, five days a week; and she works industriously at the tutorial during most of this time. The only exception is that she sometimes talks to her boyfriend on the phone instead of working at the tutorial during the designated time period.
6 _____ Marta thinks that she can succeed at word processing partly because she has succeeded at comparable activities. This insight focuses on what element in Carroll's model of school learning?
7 _____ Marta thinks that she can succeed at word processing partly because she already knows how to type and to use the computer for other purposes. This insight focuses on what element in Carroll's model of school learning?
8 _____ If the computerized tutorial was actually an effective way to learn to use the word processing program, this would exemplify what element in Carroll's model of school learning?
9 ____ When Marta set aside an hour a day to practice word processing, she was focusing on what element in Carroll's model of school learning?
10 ____ When Marta used most of the hour she set aside each day to practice word processing, she was focusing on what element in Carroll's model of school learning?
11 ____ When Marta spent time talking to her boyfriend instead of working on the tutorial, she was detracting from what element in Carroll's model of school learning?
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Accreditation UNJANI

Driven by a noble desire, the family continues to exist a large army in the struggle for Indonesian people in the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, and is based on a higher awareness that the success of their struggle is due to the support of cooperation from the Indonesian people fully, a citizen army through Yayasan Kartika Eka Paksi ( YKEP) committed to play an active role in continuing their service in all aspects of social life of Indonesian people who bersendikan Pancasila.

The focus of the intended target is the active role of the formal education sector, through the organization and management of teaching and learning process, with the establishment of a college that is named General Achmad Yani University later shortened UNJANI.

UNJANI is the result of the development of high schools run by YKEP namely: College of Technology General Achmad Yani (STTA), School of Economics-General Achmad Yani (STIEA) and the High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ST MIPA).

UNJANI establishment determined by the Decree of the General Chairman YKEP number: 027/YKEP/1990 dated May 20, 1990 which was subsequently confirmed by the Education Minister in his Decision Letter No. 0512/O/1990 dated August 9, 1990. During its development, College of Industrial Technology of Bandung (STTIB) which is also managed by YKEP since 1985, joined the UNJANI in 1992.

Until the merger STTIB into UNJANI 1992, UNJANI has 3 (three) Faculty, namely: (1) Faculty of Engineering with Honors: T. Machinery, T. Electro, T. Chemical and D3 Ceramics, T. Civil, T. Metallurgy, T. Industrial Management; (2) Faculty of Economics with majors: Management, Accounting, and (3) Faculty of Mathematics and Science with Honors in Chemistry, Physics.


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Kimia 010 2004 B 2009-04-01
2 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Kedokteran 017 2005 B 2010-10-13
3 04 D-III Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Elektro 013 2005 B 2010-12-08
4 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Elektro 022 2005 B 2010-12-08
5 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Fisika Instrumentasi 023 2005 B 2010-12-22
6 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Ilmu Pemerintahan 029 2006 B 2011-02-02
7 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Sipil 026 2006 B 2011-01-12
8 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Hubungan Internasional 031 2007 B 2012-12-29
9 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Farmasi 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
10 04 D-III Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Mesin 009 2008 B 2013-08-03
11 04 S2 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Ilmu Pemerintahan 002 2008 B 2013-05-23
12 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Kimia 020 2008 C 2013-08-29
13 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Mesin 026 2009 B 2014-09-05
14 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Manajemen 010 2009 B 2014-05-23
15 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Metalurgi 027 2009 B 2014-09-11
16 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Teknik Industri 027 2009 B 2014-09-11
17 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Psikologi 011 2009 B 2014-05-29
18 04 S1 Univ. Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Cimahi Akuntansi 031 2009 C 2014-10-23

Year 1992, UNJANI add faculty in the environment: the Faculty of Science, majoring ISIP Governance and Fak. Medicine. Further development with the addition of Science majoring in International Relations in 1993, majoring in Pharmacy and in 1999 MIP Program and the Faculty of Psychology in 2003. Bringing the total managed UNJANI Studies Program is 20 (twenty) of 14 (fourteen) majors / 6 (sixth) faculty. In the coming year did not rule UNJANI will continue to develop with the opening of a new study program, according to community needs.

As a Higher Education, Higher Education UNJANI held three responsibilities under the rules of the applicable legislation as well as oriented to the direction of education policy which was issued by the Minister of National Education of Indonesia. On the other hand, in order to develop institutional, UNJANI adopt policies and regulations established by the foundation's founders.
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UNTAG-Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon

UNTAG-Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon
UNTAG Cirebon located in the city of Cirebon West Java is surrounded in a prosper and harmonious environment. Cirebon with its rich culture is a foreign tourist destination. Cirebon also provides an environment which is conducive to the development of small and medium scale industries, such as batik garments, rattan furniture, food industry, hotels and trades. The industrial environment in anticipation of the domestic and global economic development, provide a potential improvement to the local economy in Cirebon and environs. The UNTAG educational program is prepared to suit such industrial environment aimed to produce capable graduates to meet its challenge. The graduates are expected to be prepared to contribute to the enhancement of the regional industrial competitiveness.

The ultimate aim is to make UNTAG to become a high quality Entrepreneurship University, uniquely distinct itself from the other Universities and Business Schools in the country. This specialization prepares students to start businesses, and work in smaller innovative firms where an emphasis is placed on opportunity identification and risk taking. The program focuses on new venture and business creation, business planning and innovation, as well as developing functional skills in marketing, finance and operations for small business management.

The University of 17 August 1945 (UNTAG) Cirebon was established on 2 September 1962 as a branch of UNTAG Jakarta. The founder of UNTAG Cirebon was an individual who established the Academy of Business Executive (APP) in 1961, Mr.D. Usman Imam who was acting as the director, a branch of the APP Bandung. The Cirebon APP was apparently discontinued. Representative of its 104 students went to Jakarta to visit with Prof. DR. Prajudi Atmosudirdjo who was the Rector Magnificus of the UNTAG head quarter. Upon his suggestion, the Cirebon branch UNTAG and its foundation were established.

Mr. Tikok Mochamad Ichlas the former Indramayu regent, established the Yayasan (foundation) Sunan Kalijaga, an establishment which operates the UNTAG Cirebon. Mr. Waluyo who was the Cirebon local government secretary was appointed as the secretary of the Yayasan. Drs. R. Machfudz the Palimanan deputy regent, was appointed as the director of the Faculty of State Administration and Commerce. During the 1965 State examination, the first 13 UNTAG students had successfully passed the exam to achieve the official degree of Commerce Administration.


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi Negara 018 2006 A 2011-11-02
2 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Hukum 019 2006 B 2011-12-08
3 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Teknik Elektro 019 2007 C 2012-08-25
4 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi Niaga 033 2008 B 2013-12-19
5 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Manajemen 033 2008 C 2013-12-19
6 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Teknik Mesin 027 2009 C 2014-09-11
7 04 D-III Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Akuntansi 025 2010 C 2015-02-05
8 04 S2 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi 023 2010 C 2015-02-25
9 04 D-III Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Perhotelan 004 2010 B 2015-06-11

In the following development, the Cirebon branch Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) was officially established in 1 January 1965. The Rector was dr. H. Abdul Manaf with Rector’s deputy Sunardi SH, Kusrini SH and Drs. Sudarman.

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon has 5 (five) Faculties:
1. Faculty of State Administration and Commerce
2. Faculty of Law
3. Faculty of Economic
4. Faculty of Social Science
5. Technical Faculty

The Yayasan (Foundation) Perguruan Tinggi 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon was registered by the Public Notary Mas Djoko Mardejo No. 34 Dated 27 Pebruari 1964. In the later development the Yayasan was revised and reregistered through the Public Notary Iskandar Wiramihardja, SH. number 25 dated 12 Pebruari 1992, with the following members:
- President: H. Iman Taufik, Ir.
- Chairman1: H. M. Djonaedi
- Chairman 2: H. Endi Syamsulbahri, Drs.
- Secretary: H. Andi Kusuma, Drs.
- Treasury 1: H. Achmad Soehadi, BE.
- Treasury 2: H. A. Djalil Idris S., Drs. MM.
- Commissioner: Soeparjo, Drs.

The above Yayasan new establishment has been registered and legalized by the State Court No. 59/1994/Per. Yayasan Dated Thursday 30 Juni 1994.

At this stage UNTAG Cirebon has a representative campus facilities supported by adequate number of lecturers.
Presently UNTAG Cirebon has the following list of Faculties and Academic Programs.

a. Graduate Program
- Magister Government Administration (M.Si)

b. Faculty of Political Science with the following study programs:
- The science of Government Administration.
- The science of Commerce Administration

c. Faculty of Law with the following study programs:
- The Science of Law.

d. Engineering Faculty with the following study programs:
- Mechanical Engineering
Emphasizing in:
Conversion of Energy.
Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
Electrical energy
Telecommunication Engineering

e. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine with the following academic programs.:
Developing the fisheries resources.
Specializing in:
Consulting the farmer and fishermen.

f. Faculty of Economic with the following academic programs:
- Management
Monetary management
Marketing management
Management of Tax
- DIII Accountancy (College level)
- DIII Hotel Management (College level)

Under the new Kopertis (government agency who regulate the universities) policy in 1975, UNTAG university branches throughout Indonesia are requested to be independent from their ‘parent university’ in Jakarta.
In accordance with the current educational development, as of 23 November 2001 the Minister of National Education has issued a decision letter No.184/U/2001 as follow.

The Decision letter which contains regulation for supervising guideline, handling and developing diploma program for graduate and post graduate, stated that all educational activities, research and dedications to the community are to be handled by the university with broader autonomy refer to the Minister of National Education Decision letter Number 232/U/2000 regarding guideline for university curriculum and examine the result of students academic performance.

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University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Vision of the University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon is a center of educational excellence of faith, scholarship and to Indonesiaan, builder virtuous man who is ready to build a modern Islamic society.


Tri Dharma Organizing Higher Education which is based on the wisdom of social wisdom, and organizing campus life and community development which is based on Islamic values


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Teknik Industri 022 2005 D 2006-12-08
2 04 D-III Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Teknik Informatika 015 2005 C 2008-12-27
3 04 S1 Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Akuntansi 020 2006 C 2011-12-16
4 04 S1 Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Ilmu Komunikasi 007 2009 B 2014-05-06
5 04 S1 Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Ilmu Pemerintahan 013 2009 C 2014-06-05
6 04 S1 Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Manajemen 010 2009 C 2014-05-23
7 04 S1 Univ. Muhammadiyah Cirebon Teknik Informatika 006 2009 C 2014-04-30

Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon (UMC) have learned to program with Semester Credit System, applied for eight semesters. Learning is carried out through face to face, structured tasks, independent tasks, the Working Class Students (KKM)

With extensive networks in many instances students have the opportunity be involved at every election activities Provincial head delineate potential areas, the centers of economic society, the development activities the Village Economic Enterprises (UED), and other activities aimed at mature students live independently both in the field academic and social progress.

The drive for independence and scientific development is facilitated by various forms of seminars, workshops, etc., guided by a lecturer with the S2 and S3 of education who has expertise in the field.

At the end of the study University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon provide debriefing to enhance competitiveness in getting a job, among others:

1. Entrepreneurship Training
2. Training increased proficiency
3. Another practical skills based course
4. Adjacent to enter the job market in the country and abroad using the internet facility.
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Universitas Wiralodra (Unwir)

Universitas Wiralodra (Unwir) was established on the initiative of community leaders, especially the stakeholders Indramayu positions in Local Government who have substantial responsibility on development in education, particularly higher education.

The establishment was initiated by the desire to have a college whose presence is required in order to realize the pyramidal system as has been proclaimed by the Government Education Indramayu district.

As a follow-up, the establishment of the Foundation Committee Meeting held on 11 November 1980, A. Djahari Aksan, SH. which at that time served as regent of Indramayu district, forming the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Trustees Unwir. The formation was confirmed by Decree No. Indramayu Regent. 187/Hk.02.1.1/SK/1980 on the Establishment of Trustees and Foundation Board of Trustees University of Wiralodra.

Pilot community towards the realization of desire Indramayu to have a college more real with the support and approval of the Foundation Trustees Unwir to take shelter and get help from the Government based on the SK Chairman Indramayu Regency Regency Indramayu No. 04/Dp.002.2.2/SKP/1982 July 9, 1982. On the other hand, to meet the requirements of the establishment of a private university as stipulated in Government Regulation no. 5 / 1980, then on July 17, 1982 is made of Articles of the Foundation as a legal entity with the name of the Pembina Foundation Unwir. The Foundation is controlled by a Board consisting of more than 15 people anggota.

For the first time, chairman of the Plenary of the Foundation is held by A. Djahari Aksan, SH. previously been appointed as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, with Rochmat Hardoyo, SH. act as Chairman of the Foundation Executive Committee, while Rector Unwir held Drs. H. Prawoto Sayuti, assisted by Drs. Slamet Rahardjo, Drs. H. Abdul Halim PA, and Drs. H. Abas Kosim, respectively as Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Vice Rector of Public Administration and Finance, and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni.

In 1985 occurred the replacement of the Chairman of the Foundation and Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Chairman of the Foundation submitted by A. Djahari Aksan, SH. to H. Adang Suryana, while the Chairman of the Board of Trustees was handed to Mashudi. Two years later (1987), Unwir Rector is handed over from Drs. Prawoto Sayuti to Drs. H. RE Soedarsono AR, assisted by Drs. Zaenal Asikin, Drs. H. Abdul Halim PA, and Drs. H. Ridono Aidad, respectively as Vice Rector of Akadamik, Vice Rector of the field of Public Administration and Finance, and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni.

Transfer of function is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and Chairman of the next occurred in 1990, each of H. Adang Suryana to H. Mustafa opera and from Mashudi to H. Tarlan Effendi. In the same year, Drs. H. RE Soedarsono AR surrender his post to Drs. H. Abdul Halim PA are acting as Pymt Rector, who later confirmed as rector in 1992, and assisted by Drs. Ate Subrata, SH (replaced by Drs. Helmy Sukardi in 1992), H. BC Sholichin, SE. (Replaced by Drs. H. Herrera Sudjati in 1993), and Drs. H. Ridono Aidad, respectively as Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Vice Rector of the field of Public Administration and Finance, and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni.

At its inception in 1982, Unwir consists of three faculties, namely Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Programs Indonesian, English Department, Department of Mathematics, and Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Law Department Civil and Criminal Law; and Economic Management Department Faculty and Programs Development Studies. Third-going bercikal faculty from the School of Teacher Training and Education, School of Law, and School of Economics. Until now there are five faculties at Unwir, following the establishment of the Faculty of Sharia Islamic Religious Education Programs in 1984, which was subsequently renamed the Faculty of Islamic Religious Education Programs MT in 1988, and the establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture Department of Social Economics of Agriculture in 1985. Special Faculty Tarbiyah, academic coaching conducted by the Ministry of Religious cq Kopertais Region II West Java.

Operating permit for Unwir obtained on July 17, 1982 based on Decree of Minister of Education Decree no. 508/O/1982. For the first time, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and successfully obtained the status of Registered Education Minister of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Decree No. 079/O/1985, whereas for the Faculty of Agriculture Registered status obtained in 1986 by decree of the Education Minister Decree no. 0508/O/1986. Listed status for Faculty Tarbiyah acquired in 1991 by decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 203/1991.

Listed status for the Faculty of Law Department of Civil and Criminal Procedure has been updated for the first time in 1992, while the Faculty of Economics Department of Management, and Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Social Economics of Agriculture, has acquired the status of Recognized by Decree No. MOEC Directorate General of Higher Education. 132/Dikti/Kep/1993 on the Granting Status admitted to the Department / Program Level Studies Program S1 on the faculties at the University Wiralodra in Indramayu.


Model Accreditation Program of study used to assess this university can be illustrated as shown below :

Study Program Accreditation Process

No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Manajemen 008 2006 C 2009-07-13
2 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Pendidikan Agama Islam 026 2006 B 2011-01-12
3 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Ilmu Hukum 019 2006 B 2011-12-08
4 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Pendidikan Matematika 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
5 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 018 2007 B 2012-08-18
6 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 018 2007 B 2012-08-18
7 04 S1 Univ. Wiralodra, Indramayu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 032 2008 C 2013-01-12

Accreditation bodies which had been visited for comparative studies among other things:

1. Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technological (Abet), in the United States.
2. Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA), in Australia.
3. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (Chea), in the United States.
4. National Accreditation Agency (State Accreditation Institute - LAN), in Malaysia.
5. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), in the United States.
6. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), in England.
7. Accrediting Philippine Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU)
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As an institution of higher education, Unswagati has formulated its vision and mission as stipulated in the Statute Unswagati 2005. Hopefully, Unswagati forward into an institution of higher education that have a national-class research center. Accompanied by a high commitment to the intellectual life of the nation's effort, then developed the scientific community devoted to God Almighty. Therefore, the vision was the realization Unswagati leading independent universities and competitive in the administration Tridarma Universities, to produce graduates who are faithful and godly, moral Pancasila, insightful and capable science and technology and has the leadership and spirit high kejuangan in supporting national development.

Self-Mountain Mission University Teak (Unswagati) are as follows

1. Improving and developing human resources, facilities and infrastructure.

2. Combining the synergy of faith and devotion to God Almighty, science, technology, art in harmony, balanced to diamalkan in order to create a happy society in the world and the hereafter.

3. Prepare graduates who have leadership (leadership) that are reliable.

4. Organizing campus life as a scientific society based on the moral quality of Pancasila.

In promoting and developing human resources, facilities, and infrastructure necessary to create an effective and efficient management of the educational process, teaching, research, and community service as well as helping students to develop into experts and professionals in accordance with the field of study, so it can compete in each opportunity to develop themselves.

Based on this mission as an institution of higher education, Unswagati also have to develop faculty and staff to be able to make himself highly capable and globally competitive, in addition to carrying out its functions namely

1. Produce a faithful member of the community and devoted to God Almighty, have a certain character height, cultured Indonesia, responsible, vibrant scientific and academic ability and professional and capable of performing the work environment as well;

a) Able to apply science and technology and develop the ability themselves to the demands of progress in the field and pemiliharaan and operational role in the production process, for graduate level degree.

b) Ability to develop science and technology and its application in improvisation and innovation in production, for graduates of post-graduate levels as well as having a spirit of independence as well as community oriented as well as national and global vision.

2. Generate new science and technology, producing researchers and thinkers in updating their knowledge and their ability to have power in the collecting, transfer, distribute, interpret, and apply science and technology that has existed for progress and prosperity of regional communities, national and global.

3. Disseminating results of applied research, action research and appropriate technology packages, to be used in productive activities and improve the quality of life of regional communities, national and global.

4. To produce qualified human resources and compete in the job market or to create jobs for the sake of the nation in regional and national levels.

As an institution of higher education, UNSWAGATI need to develop a culture that at least develop and popularize the values below

1. Uphold standards of ethics, morality, science, research, and profession of the most high.

2. Helps develop optimal human, both within the campus and in society.

3. Developing science in a responsible and sustainable as a philosophy of life.

4. The practice of science for the benefit and welfare of mankind, without distinction of religion and ethnicity.

5. Treats people according to the status and dignity.

Institutionally University Swadaya Mountain Teak has the objective to;

1. Preparing students to be members of the public who have personality and academic ability of professionals who can implement, develop and produce the work, science, technology and art that is useful to society.

2. Explore, develop and disseminate science, technology and art that are useful for improving the quality of human life, welfare and enrich and enhance national culture.

3. Participate in tackling social problems that are part of the Indonesian nation.


Model Accreditation Program of study used to assess this university can be illustrated as shown below :

Study Program Accreditation Process

No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 003 2002 C 2005-04-04
2 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Budidaya Pertanian 044 2004 B 2009-10-26
3 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Pendidikan Akuntansi 012 2005 B 2010-07-21
4 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Pendidikan Matematika 020 2005 B 2010-10-27
5 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 008 2005 B 2010-06-23
6 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Manajemen 008 2006 B 2011-07-13
7 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
8 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Teknik Sipil 010 2007 C 2012-05-19
9 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Ilmu Hukum 016 2008 B 2013-08-03
10 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Akuntansi 032 2008 C 2013-12-05
11 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi Negara 003 2009 B 2014-04-11
12 04 S2 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi 014 2009 B 2014-11-20
13 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Ilmu Komunikasi 010 2009 C 2014-05-23
14 04 S1 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 036 2009 C 2014-11-20
15 04 S2 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Agronomi 016 2009 C 2014-12-04
16 04 S2 Univ. Swadaya Gunung Djati (UNSWAGATI), Cirebon Ilmu Hukum 021 2009 C 2014-01-23

Accreditation bodies which had been visited for comparative studies among other things:

1. Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technological (Abet), in the United States.
2. Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA), in Australia.
3. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (Chea), in the United States.
4. National Accreditation Agency (State Accreditation Institute - LAN), in Malaysia.
5. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), in the United States.
6. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), in England.
7. Accrediting Philippine Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU)

Campus Locationn

Campus 1: Jl. Pemuda No.32 Telp. (0231) 206558 Fax. (0231) 236742 45 132 Cirebon

Campus 2: Jl. Struggle No. 1Telp. (0231) 482115, 487 249 45 132 Cirebon

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