UNTAG-Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon

UNTAG-Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon
UNTAG Cirebon located in the city of Cirebon West Java is surrounded in a prosper and harmonious environment. Cirebon with its rich culture is a foreign tourist destination. Cirebon also provides an environment which is conducive to the development of small and medium scale industries, such as batik garments, rattan furniture, food industry, hotels and trades. The industrial environment in anticipation of the domestic and global economic development, provide a potential improvement to the local economy in Cirebon and environs. The UNTAG educational program is prepared to suit such industrial environment aimed to produce capable graduates to meet its challenge. The graduates are expected to be prepared to contribute to the enhancement of the regional industrial competitiveness.

The ultimate aim is to make UNTAG to become a high quality Entrepreneurship University, uniquely distinct itself from the other Universities and Business Schools in the country. This specialization prepares students to start businesses, and work in smaller innovative firms where an emphasis is placed on opportunity identification and risk taking. The program focuses on new venture and business creation, business planning and innovation, as well as developing functional skills in marketing, finance and operations for small business management.

The University of 17 August 1945 (UNTAG) Cirebon was established on 2 September 1962 as a branch of UNTAG Jakarta. The founder of UNTAG Cirebon was an individual who established the Academy of Business Executive (APP) in 1961, Mr.D. Usman Imam who was acting as the director, a branch of the APP Bandung. The Cirebon APP was apparently discontinued. Representative of its 104 students went to Jakarta to visit with Prof. DR. Prajudi Atmosudirdjo who was the Rector Magnificus of the UNTAG head quarter. Upon his suggestion, the Cirebon branch UNTAG and its foundation were established.

Mr. Tikok Mochamad Ichlas the former Indramayu regent, established the Yayasan (foundation) Sunan Kalijaga, an establishment which operates the UNTAG Cirebon. Mr. Waluyo who was the Cirebon local government secretary was appointed as the secretary of the Yayasan. Drs. R. Machfudz the Palimanan deputy regent, was appointed as the director of the Faculty of State Administration and Commerce. During the 1965 State examination, the first 13 UNTAG students had successfully passed the exam to achieve the official degree of Commerce Administration.


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi Negara 018 2006 A 2011-11-02
2 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Hukum 019 2006 B 2011-12-08
3 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Teknik Elektro 019 2007 C 2012-08-25
4 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi Niaga 033 2008 B 2013-12-19
5 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Manajemen 033 2008 C 2013-12-19
6 04 S1 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Teknik Mesin 027 2009 C 2014-09-11
7 04 D-III Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Akuntansi 025 2010 C 2015-02-05
8 04 S2 Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Ilmu Administrasi 023 2010 C 2015-02-25
9 04 D-III Univ. 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon Perhotelan 004 2010 B 2015-06-11

In the following development, the Cirebon branch Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) was officially established in 1 January 1965. The Rector was dr. H. Abdul Manaf with Rector’s deputy Sunardi SH, Kusrini SH and Drs. Sudarman.

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon has 5 (five) Faculties:
1. Faculty of State Administration and Commerce
2. Faculty of Law
3. Faculty of Economic
4. Faculty of Social Science
5. Technical Faculty

The Yayasan (Foundation) Perguruan Tinggi 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon was registered by the Public Notary Mas Djoko Mardejo No. 34 Dated 27 Pebruari 1964. In the later development the Yayasan was revised and reregistered through the Public Notary Iskandar Wiramihardja, SH. number 25 dated 12 Pebruari 1992, with the following members:
- President: H. Iman Taufik, Ir.
- Chairman1: H. M. Djonaedi
- Chairman 2: H. Endi Syamsulbahri, Drs.
- Secretary: H. Andi Kusuma, Drs.
- Treasury 1: H. Achmad Soehadi, BE.
- Treasury 2: H. A. Djalil Idris S., Drs. MM.
- Commissioner: Soeparjo, Drs.

The above Yayasan new establishment has been registered and legalized by the State Court No. 59/1994/Per. Yayasan Dated Thursday 30 Juni 1994.

At this stage UNTAG Cirebon has a representative campus facilities supported by adequate number of lecturers.
Presently UNTAG Cirebon has the following list of Faculties and Academic Programs.

a. Graduate Program
- Magister Government Administration (M.Si)

b. Faculty of Political Science with the following study programs:
- The science of Government Administration.
- The science of Commerce Administration

c. Faculty of Law with the following study programs:
- The Science of Law.

d. Engineering Faculty with the following study programs:
- Mechanical Engineering
Emphasizing in:
Conversion of Energy.
Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
Electrical energy
Telecommunication Engineering

e. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine with the following academic programs.:
Developing the fisheries resources.
Specializing in:
Consulting the farmer and fishermen.

f. Faculty of Economic with the following academic programs:
- Management
Monetary management
Marketing management
Management of Tax
- DIII Accountancy (College level)
- DIII Hotel Management (College level)

Under the new Kopertis (government agency who regulate the universities) policy in 1975, UNTAG university branches throughout Indonesia are requested to be independent from their ‘parent university’ in Jakarta.
In accordance with the current educational development, as of 23 November 2001 the Minister of National Education has issued a decision letter No.184/U/2001 as follow.

The Decision letter which contains regulation for supervising guideline, handling and developing diploma program for graduate and post graduate, stated that all educational activities, research and dedications to the community are to be handled by the university with broader autonomy refer to the Minister of National Education Decision letter Number 232/U/2000 regarding guideline for university curriculum and examine the result of students academic performance.


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